Tips / Psychology / General

Better Planning for 2022

Apart from trading and blogging, I’m also a full time shift worker. And although I normally get done what I plan, I still feel that I can do much better.

Why? Because even though I do plan my days, it’s normally on a very ad hoc basis. And so, some of my days can feel somewhat daunting. So for 2022 one of the areas I want to improve on will be to do better planning.

I’m just starting to look into what it takes to become better at planning and the following keeps popping up:

  • Setting time aside to plan
  • Write it down
  • Don’t plan on the day, plan ahead
  • Be consistent (this might be more difficult for me because of the shift work, but I’ll make a plan)
  • Learn to prioritise
  • Find balance between work and life; plan accordingly

There are great some benefits that come from planning, some of which are:

  • Better time management
  • It’s good for health and well-being (less stress for example)
  • Being more productive

Last year I wrote about working on my patience and discipline. As a trader I know that I will never stop working on it. Patience and discipline is – I feel –  what all successful traders have in common. Also, patience and discipline encapsulates most of the things that haunt and taunt traders. Better planning is just another one of those things that will help improve my patience and discipline, in trading and in life.

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you and your family are well and safe.

Happy New Year!

Thanks and Regards,

Trading SOS SOS

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