Charts, Levels and StrategizingEURAUD: Week of 2 January 2023December 31, 2022See daily chart of EURAUD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingGBPAUD: Week of 12 December 2022December 11, 2022See daily chart of GBPAUD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingEURUSD: Week of 5 December 2022December 3, 2022See daily chart of EURUSD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Tips / Psychology / GeneralOutlast the Learning CurveNovember 28, 2022Without a doubt, there is a leaning curve in trading. For some the learning curve will be steep (difficult), and for others it will be shallow (easy / easier). (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingNZDCAD: Week of 28 November 2022November 26, 2022See daily chart of NZDCAD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingEURUSD: Week of 14 November 2022November 12, 2022See daily chart of EURUSD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingEURCAD: Week of 7 November 2022November 5, 2022See daily chart of EURCAD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingGBPUSD: Week of 31 October 2022October 29, 2022See daily chart of GBPUSD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingAUDCAD: Week of 24 October 2022October 22, 2022See daily chart of AUDCAD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingEURAUD: Week of 17 October 2022October 15, 2022See daily chart of EURAUD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingGBPCAD: Week of 10 October 2022October 8, 2022See daily chart of GBPCAD below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More
Charts, Levels and StrategizingAUDCHF: Week of 3 October 2022September 30, 2022See daily chart of AUDCHF below for the discussion that follows. (more…)Read More