Tips / Psychology / General

Maybe You’re Not as Bad a Trader as You Think

Do you see yourself as a trader that hasn’t shown much improvement in your trading? Are you starting to doubt yourself and your ability to make it as a trader? Maybe things are not as bad as you think.

This is especially normal in the beginning of your trading journey when:

The above will be even more discouraging if you rate your progress as a trader based on the amount of profits you’re making. 

What if you look at your trading progress differently? By this I mean not basing your improvement as a trader only on the amount of profits you are making. Trading progress can be found elsewhere.

Below are some examples that show signs of improvement:

  • When the time between blowing up accounts gets bigger and bigger.
  • When you start focusing only on one strategy.
  • When you decide to go back to the drawing board and actually start backtesting.
  • When you go from a losing trader to a breakeven trader.
  • When you realize that things might not happen overnight.
  • When you decide to start journaling and reviewing your trades.
  • When being wrong on a trade doesn’t affect you as much as usual.
  • When you realize the importance of risk management.
  • When you realize that consistency is key and that you’ll need to start working on your patience and discipline.

The above list is not extensive as there are many other areas where you can look for improvement. The point I’m trying to make is that even though you might be a losing or breakeven trader, you might not be as bad as you think. You might be improving without realizing it. 

Trading is not easy and you have to try and find the positive in everything that you do. Progress is good as long as it takes you in the right direction. 

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you and the family are safe and well.

Thanks and Regards,

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