Tips / Psychology / General

Trading Wisdom from Seneca

In this post I’m quoting from the book, On the Shortness of Life which contains letters from the Stoic philosopher, Seneca. 

In the book Seneca refers to the following quote from Publilius:  

“What can happen to one can happen to all.”

Seneca then expands:

“If you let this idea sink into your vitals, and regard all the ills of other people (of which every day shows an enormous supply) as having a clear path to you too, you will be armed long before you are attacked”

This applies to trading just as much as it applies in life.

Never think that what happened to one person can’t happen to you. How does this apply to trading and how can it help you?

One example:

You read / hear all the time about people / companies blowing up trading. Some of them are amateurs, others are professionals.

Whether you are an amateur or professional, don’t for one second think you are better, that it can’t happen to you. Rather know that the possibility of blowing up is there. Find out what they did wrong and how you can prevent the same thing from happening to you.


There are many ways in which you can sabotage your trading without you even knowing it. But there are many examples of traders that went about trading the wrong way. Find out where they went wrong, don’t revel in it, learn from it… and always know that what happened to one person can happen to you. 

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you and your loved ones are well and safe.

Thanks and Regards,

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